Sexual Violence – You are not alone! There IS help!
When did the act of sexual violence take place?
Help for Victims of Sexual Violence at the West Tallinn Central Hospital
We offer round-the-clock professional help to adult and young women and men who have experienced sexual violence.
You are welcome to the consulting room of the clinic either by yourself or with a friend, at any time of the day and night – and, you don’t need a referral.
It is not relevant whether you have already contacted the police, are still planning to, or refuse to inform them. We offer you different services, by your own choice: primary counselling, medical examination, STI testing, forensic evidence collection, preventing unwanted pregnancy, after-care, and assistance with informing the police.
What is sexual violence?
Sexual violence is sexual intercourse without consent (rape), threatening with it, or some other involuntary act of sexual nature. Victims can be both women and men, children, adolescents, and seniors. It is also sexual violence if you were unable to consent to the intercourse, for instance, when you were scared, drugged, drunk, or asleep.
Sexual violence is a crime and you must not feel guilty. The person responsible for the act of sexual violence is the perpetrator, not the victim.
Crisis Help Centers for Victims of Sexual Violence
In addition to Women’s Clinic in West Tallinn Central Hospital, you can seek for help in other hospitals:
Other Means of Help in the Case of Sexual Violence