

Pelgulinna Simulatsioonikeskus


In situ simulations
– Advanced simulators with a video surveillance system
– Principles of teamwork
– Structured analysis of the situation

Pelgulinna Simulatsioonikeskus

What do we do?

We arrange innovative team simulation training aimed at solving critical situations for newborns and expectant mothers. We perform in situ training in your actual working environment. The training is carried out by multidisciplinary team: neonatologists, midwives, gynaecologist(s), anesthesiologist; if necessary, other specialists are included.
Our simulation training is based on a long-term programme of cooperation between Estonia and Finland. Our team’s first trainers were experienced Finnish simulation instructors, including a specialist with a doctoral degree in simulation training. We have received our basic knowledge from Nordic simulation trainers by completing EuSim courses in Denmark (Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation, 2015 and 2016) and in Estonia (2020 and 2022). We have also taken part in international cooperation projects with the University of Tartu and the University of Helsinki.
Starting in 2021, we also conduct a basic course for simulation trainers, the first of which took place as a collaborative project between the University of Tartu Simulation Center, Tartu Health Care College, and the Defense Academy.

Who should receive the training?

The training is meant for medical staff who work with newborns and expectant mothers, in particular in maternity hospitals but also in newborn intensive care departments and emergency departments. The objectives of the training are set flexibly, depending on the needs and the expectations of the staff. During the simulation, it is possible to test the cooperation between different hospital departments, communication, and logistics, also the convenience of the work environment and tools.


What does the training involve?

The goal of the training is to practise teamwork by imitating real critical situations that could occur with newborns or their mothers, together with resuscitation training and practising manual procedures.
1) Childbirth situations (covering one topic requires a 6-8 h training day):

  • shoulder dystocia
  • breech birth
  • postpartum hemorrhage
  • resuscitation of a pregnant woman or a woman in labor
  • critical situations of the mother in the operating room
    2) Stabilization and resuscitation of the newborn (usage of the Neopuff, intubation, less invasive surfactant administration, catheterisation of the umbilical vein, intraosseous needle insertion, etc.). Training day lasts for 8 hours.
    The simulation is preceded by getting to know the work environment and the team, repeting the instructions and algorithms, and teamwork exercises. We carry out simulations in a real working environment. Each situation is followed by a guided structured analysis (debriefing) with the whole team. Learning takes place during the debriefing.
    Our study aid is an advanced childbirth simulator and newborn patient simulator with a control monitor and a video surveillance system.




    – correct use of laparoscopic instruments
    – acquisition and development of psychomotor skills
    – practicing in ‘dry lab’


    Pelgulinna Simulatsioonikeskus

    Simulation of endoscopic procedures according to the GESEA (Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment) programme – this is a training branch of the Pelgulinna Simulation Center, which is conducted by dr Olga Khrustaleva, a gynaecologist at the West Tallinn Central Hospital and a member of the Simulation Center.
    The aim of the simulation of endoscopic procedures is to introduce laparoscopic instruments, teach its correct use, acquire and develop psychomotor skills in performing endoscopic procedures (i.e. laparoscopic suturing or mini-hysteroscopy procedures).
    One of the goals is to let the resident or doctor practice in a ‘dry lab’. With this, they will get the necessary preparation to later work in the operating room first in an assisting role and then independently. It improves patient care and greatly increases educational efficiency and surgical competence of the surgeon.

    The Team

    Our team has received simulation training in an international environment.

  • the basic course (MinSim Oy, Soome) and EuSim (Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation, Denmark)
  • the advanced simulation instructor course EuSim (Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation, Denmark)
  • Train the Trainer courses (Alpha Medical Concepts, Austria)

  • The Pelgulinna Simulation Center team has been conducting trainings since September 2013
  • On 1st January 2016, Pelgulinna Simulation Center was registered as a separate unit in women’s clinic in West Tallinn Central Hospital
  • On 9th of June 2016, Pelgulinna Simulation Center was registered as a learning facility (registry number 10822269)
  • In 2021, we joined the network of SESAM simulation centers
    Trainers’ certificates:

  • Advanced EuSim Simulation Instructor Course
  • Train the Trainer
  • Minimal Invasive Gynaecological Surgeon Certification Programme (The European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery)
  • Endoscopy Certification Programme (The European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery)
  • GESEA Diploma – ESGE Minimal Invasive Gynaecological Surgeon

    Dr Liina Süvari

    Dr Liina Süvari

    simulation instructor

    Dr Ervin Saik

    Dr Ervin Saik

    simulation instructor

    Kärt Pielberg

    Kärt Pielberg

    simulation instructor

    Liis Jõgis

    Liis Jõgis

    simulation instructor

    Dr Annemai Märtson

    Dr Annemai Märtson

    simulation instructor

    dr Sandra Tammekivi

    Dr Sandra Tammekivi

    simulation instructor

    Dr Olga Khrustaleva

    simulation instructor

    Dr Liina Sau

    Dr Liina Sau

    simulation instructor

    Mait Alanurm

    Dr Mait Alanurm

    simulation instructor

    Käthlin Vahtel

    Käthlin Vahtel

    simulation instructor

    Kärt-Katrin Voolaid

    Kärt-Katrin Voolaid

    simulation instructor

    Ingrid Põldäär

    Ingrid Põldäär



    We have experience or have carried out training at:

    – Tartu University Hospital
    – Pärnu Hospital
    – Kuressaare Hospital
    – Narva Hospital
    – Tallinn Emergency Medical Service
    – Intensive Care Department of Tallinn Children’s Hospital
    – 1st Simulation training for the Estonian Emergency
    Medical Service Union
    – Lapland Central Hospital
    – Rakvere Hospital
    – Ida-Viru Central Hospital
    – Viljandi Hospital
    – Lõuna-Eesti Hospital
    – Hiiumaa Hospital
    – Järvamaa Hospital
    – Ambulance centre in North Estonia Medical Centre

    We have participated in various international collaboration projects:

  • Team training with the simulation trainers of the University of Helsinki Women’s Clinic and Children’s Hospital (FinEst 2016 and 2018: “Train the trainer”)
  • Taking part in the International Healthcare Simulation Week



    If you are interested, please contact us at:

    Liina Süvari (Head of Pelgulinna Simulation Training Centre)
    Women’s Clinic in West Tallinn Central Hospital, Sõle 23, Tallinn

    Pelgulinna Simulation Training Center | SÕLE 23 |

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